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A unique Cooperage Museum in Europe

This is the result of  :
Logo barrique a family history over 3 generations (see above pictures),
Logo barrique a life of passion dedicated to Art Cooperage.
Médaille MOF
The Cooperage Museum contains :
Logo barrique 370 cooper tools,
Logo barrique   32 master pieces made by Henri Labatut, Master Cooper (awarded Best
Craftmen of France),
At 78 years old, he wishes to sell his collection of cooper tools.
The master pieces will be kept by his family (a few pictures are showed on the following pages).

Photo Henri Labatut

Henri Labatut professional background :

Logo barrique  Cognac Martell Cooperage,

Logo barrique  Master Cooper who has been awarded, in 1955
       « Meilleur Ouvrier de France » - Art Cooperage

Logo barrique  National President of the C.O.E.T. Jury (Traditional Cooperage            & Art Cooperage),

Logo barrique  Member of the C.O.E.T. Jury,

Logo barrique   Expert sapiteur A.D.T.  

Logo barrique  Trainer at  "Compagnons  tonneliers du Tour de France".

Logo barrique  Officier de l'Ordre National du Mérite.

Photo Musée
Photo Musée
Photos outils photo outils
Photo maquettes Photo maquettes
Photo Musée
Photo Musée

Logo barrique  If you want, you can visit the Museum (appointment by phone or e.mail). 

Logo barrique  On the following pages, you can get more information (description of the tools, quantity …).

workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop
Click on the 3 barrels to see his workshop Logo barriques
Workshop Workshop

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® Copyright Henri Labatut – 2006 – Web master :