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Hand tools for sale

There are 2 ways to see the pictures of the 370 tools :

A - you can see a slide show if you click on the 3 barrels. Each picture has
a reference number
which is also mentioned on the below list.
Logo barriques
B -
On the following list, you will find various categories of tools designated by :

a reference number, a class name and a quantity.

To get a full description, you just have to click on each name in order to open a notice.
If you wish to know prices, please contact directly M. Labatut (e.mail or phone).
You also can visit the Museum.
Ref N°   Designation Quantity Ref N°   Designation Quantity
1   Digging tools  18 21   bit-braces 2
2   Ruelles 21 22   Wastringues  17
3   Stockholms 20 23   Morlaisienne 2
4   Adzes 10 24   Scottish anvils 1
5   Small adzes 4 25   Rabotoir 1
6   Cochoirs 7 26   Capstan 1
7   Asses de rabot 11 27   Goujonnoirs 3
8   Planes droites 21 28   Scissors 2
9   Planes creuses 15 29   Dogs 4
10   Rabots de fond 13 30   Guistres 13
11   Various planes 25 31   Galley 1
12   Compasses 22 32   Banc à tailler 1
13   Compas à verge 3 33   Banc à cercler 1
14   Chasses 18 34   Guillotine 1
15   Asses de rognage 31 35   Scies à chantourner 2
16   Beaked anvil 8 36   Racle osier 3
17   Haches à bûcher 13 37   Bâtissoir 1
18   Dove 1 38   Départoir coutres 7
19   Tire-fonds 9 39   Chanfreinières 13
20   Tire-bondes 6 40   Cuillérées 15
41   Mèche à barroir 1
      Total 276       Total 94

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